Our Story

Our story is simple: We are all about home! But let us back up a bit ... 2020 was a year that changed a lot of lives. If anything, it showed us who we really are and what we’re made of.

Lockdowns all across the country forced people to be in their homes more than ever before — working, spending time with family, cooking, etc. Well, our family discovered what we already knew — we’re homebodies. Staying at home didn't bother us one bit. But what we did learn is this: We needed our home to speak to us in ways we never needed it to before.

For one thing, we used way more candles. We also became particularly interested in fragrances that helped us feel happy inside, and we definitely noticed vessels that didn’t disturb the vibe of the room. With that, we decided to let our creative juices flow and develop our own line of home goods. We hope you enjoy our hand-poured candles and any other product we are inspired to make.