HBE Blog

  • What Is Mushrooming?

    Anyone who burns candles often has probably experienced mushrooming at one time or another. But the real question is: Does it matter? The short answer is no, with a few caveats.

  • Soot, Be Gone!

    Is soot, the black buildup that sometimes surrounds the rim of a candle jar, harmful to your health? What’s a candle lover to do when it starts to appear? 
  • Quintessential Candle Accessories

    True candle connoisseurs know all about candle accessories. But those who don't know about them may not be getting the most out of their candle purchase. 

  • The Much-Desired Full Melt Pool

    A full melt pool, which is when a candle’s wax has been burning long enough to completely extend to the edge of its jar, is much-desired by candle lovers. But does it matter?